Life's hard.

It's even harder when you're stupid.

John Wayne

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Fellow Readers

Dear Fellow Readers,

After a month off -which included reviewing my time management skills- I have come to some decisions.  We are going to have to make some changes to survive and adapt.  The new reality of my kids in school and an increase in their activities coupled with my other article obligation and the book I am writing - that I really need to finish - makes time to read even scarcer (not gone altogether though, because let’s face it life really would hardly be worth living without books).  I have been led here by all of these very practical reasons along with the desire to read the occasional longer book - which is hard to fit in on a weekly post.  So here it is; I am going to try an every-other-week approach and see how it goes. 

To my loyal followers who I know will take the required 30 seconds to mourn not hearing from my delightful self every week, we will get through this together.  I promise!

So I will be back August 23 to start the new schedule

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