J.K. Rowling spent years plotting
out the Harry Potter series. J.R.R.
Tolkien had the curious habit of starting over whenever he hit a snag in his
writing. Earnest Hemingway had a noted
love affair with the bottle which directly influenced his life and writing. And at some point each of these acclaimed
writers needed to sit down and take the story swimming around in their head and
commit it to paper. How they got through
this part to the end of the publishing process with a fully fleshed out and
dynamic novel only they can tell you. But
it is a universal step for all writers.
At some point, you as a writer, will have to figure out what process
works best for you to transfer story idea from your mind to make an actual book,
and in Outlining Your Novel Ms. K.M.
Weiland provides basic tools to create a
road map for your story to follow.
As I sat down to read Outlining Your Novel I was ready to be
told the virtues of outlining – as even the least discerning person could
expect from the title. I, of course,
already thought I knew the merits of this process for story creation and
frankly, as an outlining fan, all I really expected was a little ego stroking
with the knowledge I have been doing – at least this part – right all along and
the whole “pantsing” method (basically writing from the seat of your pants) was
the doom of writers the world over. Now,
before you start getting all judgey, let me just say at times we all need to
hang onto that one thing we got right to keep us moving forward and the
fill-in-the-blank outlining process is mine. After that everything else about my writing is
kind of a crap shoot. However, Ms.
Weiland had more to say about outlining than I expected. She showed me that it was more than dry Roman
numerals, stark words and my usual methods.
Outlining was actually a very useful tool that could be shaped to fit
your own style and taste. With her
suggestions even the most free-spirited writer could have focus, and we type A
personalities could introduce a little more flexibility.
The right method for the individual
writer is not a one size fits all, and Ms. Weiland openly strives to help you
find yours. From detailed outlines to a short
reference page, mind maps to post-its on a wall the right way to outline is
what works best for you. When you sit
down to outline, the idea is to be focused, but to avoid rigid adherence to the
outline. Ms. Weiland advocates
structure, but also makes allowances for changes and organic writing to be
included. The obvious benefits of
preplanning include avoiding those nasty story holes, dead ends and other
unsightly things that will take away, or ruin, your story. The end goal of outlining is to have your
story, characters and plot fully thought out and planned so the actual writing
is the easy part.
This book is very manageable at
less than 200 pages, a fairly quick and easy read, but still thorough. Ms. Weiland is incredibly well organized - as
to be expected- with a clear, concise and straightforward writing style. I wouldn’t call this book dry or boring by
any means, but just a warning: it is not written to entertain just inform. I loved that the chapters were outlined in
the table of contents. She gives
point-by-point explanation of different tools and approaches for customization,
while providing a multitude of examples, especially from her own process as a
writer. She even mentions appropriate
times for “pantsing” - like when you get
stuck. The sections interviewing other published
authors - such as Becky Levine, Aggie Villanueva and John Robinson on their
process really helped me rethink what can be improved in my process and ways to
develop the weaker areas. She also
mentions some writing programs and internet tools that were new to me, and I
look forward to utilizing them.
I have to say this wouldn’t be a
great first how-to for writing. Having
a good grasp on story construction is fairly key, and some ideas about
character construction along with an actual story idea are needed before diving
into the outline. I suggest giving this
book a thorough reading before trying to apply it to a particular project.
Weiland is active as both a mentor to other authors and a published author. She is the author of Structuring Your Novel and her website Helping Writers Become Authors and
blog (wordplay-kmweiland.blogspot.com), which are very nice accompaniments to
this book. Ms. Weiland also has an instructional CD called Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning
Inspiration. She is a writer of
speculative and historical fiction.
Among her credits are A Man Called
Outlaw, and Behold the Dawn and Dreamlander.
The creation process is a very individual
thing. What worked for J.K. Rowling,
J.R.R. Tolkien and Earnest Hemingway probably won’t work for you - especially
that whole love affair with the bottle thing.
But as a writer finding the right process for you is a crucial step to
becoming an author. This process is ever
evolving over the life of your career and Outlining
Your Novel will help give you new ideas and refine old ones so you can have
the novel of your dreams.
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