Life's hard.

It's even harder when you're stupid.

John Wayne

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life's Hard by Kara Tippetts ★★★★☆

The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life's HardWeathering the storm with grace
Non Fiction – Memoir – Christian
192 pages
Publication Date:  2014

In The Hardest Peace, Kara Tippetts, mother of four and a pastor’s wife, shows how even amongst the awfulness of stage-four cancer there can be beauty in pain and
how God can give us the peace and grace we need.  He can be our strength.

I admit I have been putting this one off.  Kara is my cousin-in-law and has been on hospice for the last few months.  So I have been unable to separate her book and, at the time, her impending death.  But with her passing this week I have decided it is time to put on my big girl pants and write this review.  Kara’s journey has been life changing for so many that it would be a disservice to memory not to pass it on.

I started getting acquainted with Kara’s journey from her blog, Mundane Faithfulness, ----when I could pluck up the courage- and I have to admit I had some misgivings about reading her book, but Kara ever the graceful lady, quieted my fears with softness of her approach leaving me unburdened by her story.  The superb writing had a very musical quality, and the ideas and impressions were so fluently expressed that I had a difficult time remembering to write comments for my review.  I also loved Kara’s powerful ability to turn a phrase and get an amazing emotional response.  This book is worthy of multiple read and I even was forced to pull out the hi-liter even though I hate to deface books.

I originally had more things about Kara and the specific things she writes on, but honestly this is all I can handle writing  right now without completely falling apart.  Thank you for your patience with me and please don’t let my lack luster performance deter you from looking into this book. 

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